
Class "D" amplification with Shahinian Obelisks...

Anyone care to characterise the sound of the various designs, hypex, ice etc? I've only heard Chapter Audio and not sure which type he uses.

I can't. My experience with the hypex modules is that they are pretty much a piece of very-low-impedance wire with gain. No "characteristic" sound.
To be fair to the Hypexs they wern't being fed with a balanced input, which I understand is essential.

That has not been my experience. I find that my hypexes handle unbalanced just as well - of course balanced is better for non-hypex-related reasons. But as dtd writes, the hypexes are sesitive to bad/sloppy wiring, and require that you follow their recommendations about things like connecting and twisting the speaker output wires in the right way.
I can't. My experience with the hypex modules is that they are pretty much a piece of very-low-impedance wire with gain. No "characteristic" sound.

Agreed. Its stunning how different the output can sound with just the change of a DAC! There's not much character of their own I can detect either.
Clay/Colin, yes, used in moderation and not pushing the small amp, it is quite amazing how well things did sound. I think when reading most threads about the Obelisks, and also talking to various folks about them, there is a very varied opinion as is typical, about just how much is enough to get them to not only sing, but to fully exploit them. I believe I found this out to some degree when I installed a Plinius 8200 integrated in place of the Naim's amp.

Dave, I have listened to the Wyred stuff on other systems, not mine, and they are rather nice, especially for the money. The only downside for me is that I don't care for the looks of them much, sad I know....

All, I must say that I am not looking to replace anything at the moment, the Plinius is doing a very fine job, but the class D on them had me wondering/curious. I think mainly because I have yet to really read, see or hear of anyone trying them on Obelisks until now. Of course I could have missed those threads too.

I do appreciate all the comments so far. Food for thought down the road, and maybe a trial or two at some point. The Bel Canto is probably the most readily available to me at the moment, so we shall see. Tim
Dave, I have listened to the Wyred stuff on other systems, not mine, and they are rather nice, especially for the money. The only downside for me is that I don't care for the looks of them much, sad I know....

Hi Tim,

I have to agree that the W4S components are not exactly the peak of industrial design and lack a certain something in the area of aesthetics, which is why I prefer the Jeff Rowland versions.


I've had these now for almost 9 years driving a pair of Tannoy D700s (now approaching 19 years in various systems). These amps - Jeff Rowland Model 201s - are virtually the same internally as the W4S SX-500, but JRDG's industrial design and build quality is right up there with the best.

One area where the Tannoy D700s probably come close to the Obelisks is the impedance vs frequency curve which - for the D700s - dips to around 3 ohms from a nominal 6 ohm level. On previous amps (Audiolab 8000P and Classe' CP-100) this impedance dip was a challenge - the 8000P's current limiter used to get excited and shut down. The other factor that the Model 201s brought to the game was a very high damping factor which finally brought the D700s into line in the lower registers - tightening up the transients and providing a rock solid bass foundation that allowed the mids and uppers to bloom. This is greatly helped by a very low noise floor.

All I want to say is do not write off any icePOWER amps - give them a trial and I believe you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Dave, I certainly will not write them off, they have got my curiosity up with regards to driving the Obelisks.

I have seen the Rowlands that you have, but have never listened to them. Certainly a nicer look by far from the Wyred, but all at a price. I have seen these come up though on the used market at a not so bad price.

Will keep eyes and ears open! Tim
I'm listening to a Wagner live broadcast on R3 through a Class D amp with 300,000uF of psu capacitance, into demanding speakers. I'd characterise the grip over the speakers as being in balls of steel territory.

I'd be interested in what amp you have. I just found the AR DS450 class D with an output of 450W into 8 Ohms but only rises to 550W into 4 Ohms but the damping factor is claimed to be an impressive 440 no other info provided. Got me thinking that perhaps amps like the Magtech amps may also be class D? <Note just noticed they are class AB and have a DF >600 and 900W into 4 Ohms so who needs class D?>.

Both these amps come in at around 25Kg and that's a lot better than my two at 42Kg each!


DV, I will do an even trade for your Meridians. I have the Plinius integrated at 200wpc/8, 35 amps, but at a nice 32 pounds or so.... ;>) Tim
Tim you are probably talking tongue-in-cheek but I have been seriously thinking of letting my 559s go because of the weight and my arfa getsrightupmynose. The two come in at 84Kg! However they are so good with the Obelisk 2 that I must make sure that I am not down grading the sound. The 559s are a steal for what they fetch and I know that I'll have to fork out 4x as much as the lighter beasts are new and rare s/h.

Which Obs do you have as the '2' is in a different league and is like a different next step up in the chain.


DV, I have the latest Ob2. They are only a little over a year old. It has been awhile since I heard some of the older versions but either way, happy to have these. I had been looking at older used ones when this pair came available, and knowing at the time I did not really have the clout in the amplifier stakes to maybe do them justice, I still pounced as the price was too good to pass on. I see where the price of the 2's have taken yet another big hit here in the US, ouch. Guess that makes mine an even better deal.

I have never heard the 559's, and not even sure if/how many ever made it over here. Sure would like to take a listen though. I am sure they are a fine match. I do hear you on the bastardly weight of some of these amplifiers though. As I get older, simpler and yes, lighter is a good thing, just don't want to sacrifice quality either. Tim
The Devaliet amplifiers are sort of Class D and sound f-ing amazing. So amazing I may commit a heretical act ...

Bite your tongue Jason! Oh, can I have your Dynavectors then? Have you actually tried the Devialet with your Obs? Tim
It has a dual output stage 5W Class A and a Class D when umph is required. Hmmm Class AD then?

I find it hard to believe in the figures provided on their web site.


I heard it between a Naim NDX (supplying digits) and a pair of Magico S5 speakers.

Now, the S5's are relatively entry level for Magico so £29,995 a pair !!!!!!!

The whole system was remarkable. The best I have heard digital sound. The 240 was a lot better than the 170 in this system.
How much the speakers, how much the amplifier? Good question. Another is into Obelisks, would the difference between the 170 and 240 be as big?

Once I get some time (hoho) I will follow up and get a test of the phono-stage.
What is super clear is that if the Devialet replaces a streamer, dac, pre, phono-stage and power it looks good value!

I heard it between a Naim NDX (supplying digits) and a pair of Magico S5 speakers.

Now, the S5's are relatively entry level for Magico so £29,995 a pair !!!!!!!

The whole system was remarkable. The best I have heard digital sound. The 240 was a lot better than the 170 in this system.
How much the speakers, how much the amplifier? Good question. Another is into Obelisks, would the difference between the 170 and 240 be as big?

Once I get some time (hoho) I will follow up and get a test of the phono-stage.
What is super clear is that if the Devialet replaces a streamer, dac, pre, phono-stage and power it looks good value!


Yes indeedy so. But if that DAC and phono-stage is not up to the mark it'll just be baggage and wasted dosh. I would be happier if the 240 only came as an amp. I like the 7Kg per box..........


Yes indeedy so. But if that DAC and phono-stage is not up to the mark it'll just be baggage and wasted dosh. I would be happier if the 240 only came as an amp. I like the 7Kg per box..........



I can safely say the DAC is up to the mark - the NDX was just steering digits from the network into one of the Devialet's digital inputs. Safely the best digitally sourced system I have heard and possibly the best system full stop.

Phono-stage is also supposed to be very good, plenty of people ditching some pretty high-end alternatives, but I haven't heard it.

You should definitely get a demonstration if you want to reduce box weight!


Why not black? Just read the HFN review and its chrome finish. Why? The rest of the box is black but the bits you actually see are chrome.

Unfortunately that makes it a no no no in this house as we have light oak and brass/gold and anything silvery looks trashy.

Well that another product crossed off my list.


I had thought one could get an all-black version? Maybe just dreaming. I am the same way, wouldn't want the bling/chrome.

Jason, is the internal DAC upgradeable at all as things progress? A great single box is a nice way to go as long as internal bits are upgradeable, something a lot of companies promise, but rarely deliver long term.

Interesting piece of gear though. Keep us posted Jason, especially if/when you have time with your Obs. Would love to hear your take on it. Tim
I don't think the 240 has been fully thought through. If you want dual mono then you'll have half a DAC and half a phono stage going to waste. That somehow hurts....... Not as much as the finish though Grrrr.


