
Portable USB DACs

Dean Jordan

pfm Member
Greetings fellow PFM Peeps.

Looking at portable USB dongle dacs to use with my phone Samsung s23 ultra.

A while back I purchased a Hidiz s9 pro to use with the above phone. i then managed to drop my phone and had to wait 4 month for the repair agent to get the parts. so it was used with a very basic Honor phone and it worked fine.

Once my samsung was fixed i was so excited to try the Dac with my phone but of course samsung being shits and hidis being super shits they dont work together. Apparently samsung mod there USB output for some sound pefrormance and the Dac does not like it one bit. it will work one secound then you just get a very loud hash/white noise. Hidiz are apperently aware of this issuse and are not offering a work around so that was a bust.

Do any of you have any experience with any dongle dacs with phones and what has worked for you and not. plus any IEM recommendations would be greatly received.

AQ Dragon fly is the main one that jumps out.

After the whole Dac thing I was thinking screw it and just stick with bluetooth headphones and just get a nice pair for spotify and qobuz.

Anyone else just thought sod it?
Buy the chord mojo 2 in the for sale section.
Fantastic bit off kit, love mine, plus it sounds great much better than the dac dongle
I use a pair of fiio fh9 with a set of fiio utws5 with my s23. Can't tell them apart from my fiio m15 with the same iems on wires.

